Converting generic C++ algorithms to OpenCL/CUDA

CUDA and OpenCL differ in their handling of compute kernels compilation. In NVIDIA’s framework the compute kernels are compiled to PTX code together with the host program. In OpenCL the compute kernels are compiled at runtime from high-level C-like sources, adding an overhead which is particularly noticeable for smaller sized problems. This distinction leads to higher initialization cost of OpenCL programs, but at the same time it allows one to generate better optimized kernels for the problem at hand. VexCL exploits this possibility with help of its kernel generator mechanism. Moreover, VexCL’s CUDA backend uses the same technique to generate and compile CUDA kernels at runtime.

An instance of vex::symbolic<T> dumps to an output stream any arithmetic operations it is being subjected to. For example, this code snippet:

vex::symbolic<double> x = 6, y = 7;
x = sin(x * y);

results in the following output:

double var1 = 6;
double var2 = 7;
var1 = sin( ( var1 * var2 ) );

Kernel generator

The symbolic type allows one to record a sequence of arithmetic operations made by a generic C++ algorithm. To illustrate the idea, consider the generic implementation of a 4th order Runge-Kutta ODE stepper:

template <class state_type, class SysFunction>
void runge_kutta_4(SysFunction sys, state_type &x, double dt) {
    state_type k1 = dt * sys(x);
    state_type k2 = dt * sys(x + 0.5 * k1);
    state_type k3 = dt * sys(x + 0.5 * k2);
    state_type k4 = dt * sys(x + k3);

    x += (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6;

This function takes a system function sys, state variable x, and advances x by the time step dt. For example, to model the equation \(\mbox{d}x/\mbox{d}t = \sin(x)\), one has to provide the following system function:

template <class state_type>
state_type sys_func(const state_type &x) {
    return sin(x);

The following code snippet makes one hundred RK4 iterations for a single double value on a CPU:

double x = 1, dt = 0.01;

for(int step = 0; step < 100; ++step)
    runge_kutta_4(sys_func<double>, x, dt);

Let’s now generate the kernel for a single RK4 step and apply the kernel to a vex::vector<double> (by doing this we essentially simultaneously solve a large number of identical ODEs with different initial conditions).

// Set recorder for expression sequence.
std::ostringstream body;

// Create symbolic variable.
typedef vex::symbolic<double> sym_state;
sym_state sym_x(sym_state::VectorParameter);

// Record expression sequience for a single RK4 step.
double dt = 0.01;
runge_kutta_4(sys_func<sym_state>, sym_x, dt);

// Build kernel from the recorded sequence.
auto kernel = vex::generator::build_kernel(ctx, "rk4_stepper", body.str(), sym_x);

// Create initial state.
const size_t n = 1024 * 1024;
vex::vector<double> x(ctx, n);
x = 10.0 * vex::element_index() / n;

// Make 100 RK4 steps.
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) kernel(x);

This approach has some obvious restrictions. Namely, the C++ code has to be embarrassingly parallel and is not allowed to contain any branching or data-dependent loops. Nevertheless, the kernel generation facility may save a substantial amount of both human and machine time when applicable.

template <typename T>
class vex::symbolic

Symbolic variable.

Inherits from vex::generator::symbolic_expr< boost::proto::terminal< generator::variable >::type >

Public Types

enum scope_type

Scope/Type of the symbolic variable.


LocalVar = 0

Local variable.

VectorParameter = 1

Vector kernel parameter.

ScalarParameter = 2

Scalar kernel parameter.

enum constness_type

Constness of vector parameter.


NonConst = 0

Parameter should be written back at kernel exit.

Const = 1

Parameter is readonly.

Public Functions


Default constructor. Results in a local variable declaration.

symbolic(scope_type scope, constness_type constness = NonConst)


template <class Expr>
symbolic(const Expr &expr)

Expression constructor. Results in a local variable declaration initialized by the expression.

const symbolic &operator=(const symbolic &c) const

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator+=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator-=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator*=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator/=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator%=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator&=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator|=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator^=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator<<=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

template <class Expr>
const symbolic &operator>>=(const Expr &expr)

Assignment operator. Results in the assignment expression written to the recorder.

void vex::generator::set_recorder(std::ostream &os)

Set output stream for the kernel recorder.

template <class... Args>
kernel vex::generator::build_kernel(const std::vector<backend::command_queue> &queue, const std::string &name, const std::string &body, const Args&... args)

Builds kernel from the recorded expression sequence and the symbolic parameter list.

The symbolic variables passed to the function should have participated in the recorded algorithm and will be converted to the generated kernel arguments.

Function generator

VexCL also provides a user-defined function generator which takes a function signature and generic function object, and returns custom VexCL function ready to be used in vector expressions. Let’s rewrite the above example using an autogenerated function for a Runge-Kutta stepper. First, we need to implement generic functor:

struct rk4_stepper {
    double dt;

    rk4_stepper(double dt) : dt(dt) {}

    template <class state_type>
    state_type operator()(const state_type &x) const {
        state_type new_x = x;
        runge_kutta_4(sys_func<state_type>, new_x, dt);
        return new_x;

Now we can generate and apply the custom function:

double dt = 0.01;
rk4_stepper stepper(dt);

// Generate custom VexCL function:
auto rk4 = vex::generator::make_function<double(double)>(stepper);

// Create initial state.
const size_t n = 1024 * 1024;
vex::vector<double> x(ctx, n);
x = 10.0 * vex::element_index() / n;

// Use the function to advance initial state:
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) x = rk4(x);

Note that both runge_kutta_4() and rk4_stepper may be reused for the host-side computations.

It is very easy to generate a VexCL function from a Boost.Phoenix lambda expression (since Boost.Phoenix lambdas are themselves generic functors):

using namespace boost::phoenix::arg_names;
using vex::generator::make_function;

auto squared_radius = make_function<double(double, double)>(arg1 * arg1 + arg2 * arg2);

Z = squared_radius(X, Y);
template <class Signature, class Functor>
auto vex::generator::make_function(Functor &&f)

Generates a user-defined function from a generic functor.

Takes the function signature as template parameter and a generic functor as a single argument. Returns user-defined function ready to be used in vector expressions.