Building VexCL programs with CMake ================================== In order to build a VexCL program with the `CMake`_ build system you need just a couple of lines in your ``CmakeLists.txt``: .. code-block:: cmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) project(example) find_package(VexCL) add_executable(example example.cpp) target_link_libraries(example VexCL::OpenCL) VexCL provides interface targets for the backends supported on the current system. Possible choices are ``VexCL::OpenCL`` for the OpenCL backend, ``VexCL::Compute`` for Boost.Compute, ``VexCL::CUDA`` for CUDA, and ``VexCL::JIT`` for the just-in-time compiled OpenMP kernels. The targets will take care of the appropriate compiler and linker flags for the selected backend. ``find_package(VexCL)`` may be used when VexCL was installed system wide. If that is not the case, you can just copy the VexCL into a subdirectory of your project and replace the line with .. code-block:: cmake add_subdirectory(vexcl) .. _`CMake`: