Custom kernels ============== As `Kozma Prutkov`_ repeatedly said, "One cannot embrace the unembraceable". So in order to be usable, VexCL has to support custom kernels. ``vex::backend::kernel`` is a thin wrapper around a compute kernel for each of the contexts. Its constructor takes a command queue and the kernel source code, and its function call operator submits the kernel to the specified command queue. The following example builds and launches a custom kernel for the a context with a single device: .. code-block:: cpp // Compile the kernel. This can be done once per program lifetime. // If offline kernel cache is enabled, it will be used for custom kernels as well. vex::backend::kernel dummy(ctx.queue(0), VEX_STRINGIZE_SOURCE( kernel void dummy(ulong n, global int *x) { for(size_t i = get_global_id(0); i < n; i += get_global_size(0)) x[i] = 42; }), "dummy"); vex::vector x(ctx, n); // Apply the kernel to the vector partition located on the first device: dummy(ctx.queue(0), static_cast(n), x(0)); In case there are several devices in the context, you will need to create an instance of the kernel for each of the devices. :cpp:func:`vex::vector::operator()()` returns vector partition located on the given device. If the result depends on the neighboring points, one has to keep in mind that these points are possibly located on a different compute device. In this case the exchange of these halo points has to be addressed manually. .. code-block:: cpp std::vector kernel; // Compile and store the kernels for the later use. for(uint d = 0; d < ctx.size(); d++) { kernel.emplace_back(ctx.queue(d), VEX_STRINGIZE_SOURCE( kernel void dummy(ulong n, global float *x) { for(size_t i = get_global_id(0); i < n; i += get_global_size(0)) x[i] = 4.2; }), "dummy"); } // Apply the kernels to the vector partitions on each device. for(uint d = 0; d < ctx.size(); d++) kernel[d](ctx.queue(d), static_cast(x.part_size(d)), x(d)); .. _`Kozma Prutkov`: